In case of pest infestation it is not always necessary to reach for chemicals. Some effective remedies against parasites and fungal infections are available in the household of every rose lover, others are easy to produce yourself.
Here are our tips against rose parasites:
Aphid infestation:
- Dishwashing liquid - add 1 squirt of dishwashing liquid or green soap to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray the infested shoots with it and then rinse with clean water.
- Nettle broth - put two handfuls of roughly chopped nettles together with 2 liters of water in a container. Leave to soak for twelve hours. Pour the broth into a spray bottle and neatly spray the parts of the plant infested with aphids, do not leave out the lower part of the leaves.
- Prepare broths from nettles, tansy and wormwood - always use diluted in a spray bottle.
Here it only helps to clip off the infested leaves and dispose them in the household waste.
- Neem oil spray solution of 2.5 ml neem oil to 1/2 l warm water. Place in a spray bottle along with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and a good dash of dishwashing liquid. Spray the rose with the solution.
- Neem oil spray solution of 2.5 ml neem oil to 1/2 l warm water. Place in a spray bottle along with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and a good dash of dishwashing liquid. Spray the rose with the solution.
Garden Ants:
They like to stay near aphids. Relocating the small colonies will help. To do this, fill a clay pot with hay or wood wool and place it on the ant trail with the opening facing down. After a few days the ants will have moved their nest into the pot. Pick this up with a shovel and move to a new location.
Spider Mites:
Neem oil spray solution of 2.5 ml neem oil to 1/2 l warm water. Place in a spray bottle along with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and a good dash of dishwashing liquid. Spray the rose with the solution
They lay eggs in the bark of roses in autumn.
Field horsetail infusion - soak 1 - 1.5 kg of field horsetail in 1 liter of water, then boil and simmer for 30 min. Beginning in the spring in the morning in sunny weather spray the bottom of the leaves. To do this, dilute the broth with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Repeat every 10 days.
Deer browsing:
Spread sheep wool (untreated) on upper rose shoots. Renew after heavy rains.
Here are our tips against fungal infestations:
Black Spot:
Add onion juice from 200 g onions (with peel) to 2 liters boiling water and let it sit for half an hour. Put it in a spray bottle with 1 tablespoon of baking soda or baking powder. Application should be made every 10 days.
Field horsetail broth made from 300 grams of field horsetail (or 30 grams of dried stalks). These are mixed with 2 liters of fresh water in a large pot and allowed to sit for a day. Then simmer on the stove for about half an hour at low temperature. Put the cooled broth in a spray bottle. Application should be made every 10 days.
- Mix fresh milk with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Using a spray bottle, now apply the mixture to the plant once a week to prevent infestation.
Powdery Mildew:
Baking soda-water mixture - to 1 liter of water add half a pack of baking soda or baking powder with 10 ml of rapeseed oil. Apply with a spray bottle at intervals of 10 days.
Milk-water mixture - mix milk and water in a ratio of 1 to 10 in a spray bottle and apply it several times a week.