Eden Rose® 85 - an extremely romantic shrub rose. Creamy white blooms with a rosé edge. Buy online now at Rosen Tantau ✓Quality roses from the specialist for roses with over 100 years of experience ✓Phone advice and much more.
Which variety is the most scented rose?
Our assortment of scented roses comprises all varieties which have got at least three of five stars in our frangrance ranking. Our top scented roses are Augusta Luise®, Aquarell®, Duftwolke®, Gartenträume® and Schöne Maid®.
When is the best time for planting roses?
Roses can virtually be planted throughout the complete year except during extraordinary wheather conditions such as frozen soil, waterlogging and droughtiness.
How often should roses be fertilized?
Roses need to basically be fed at the beginning of each growth period for robust foliage and plenty of flowers. Best time is when the forsythias are in full bloom. Recently planted roses do not need fertilizer, encouraging the plants to produce roots
When and how should roses be fertilized?
Two doses of a classical mineral fertilizer per year are sufficient. Long-lasting fertilizers feed the roses for a period of approx. six months during the summer, very much recommended for sandy soils. If you use a fertilizer with an efficacy of three to four months we recommend feeding the rose later on between mid June and mid July with a rapid-acting fertilizer in order to stimulate a second bloom.
From August onwards no nitrogen should be given. A dose of potassium given in September supports the hardening of the shoots and helps protecting the rose against frost.
The color of my rose does not correspond to the color shown in the catalogue or online-shop
The color intensity depends on the temperatures. Especially the first flowering shows more intense colors. When the flower matures the color changes usually. Also warmth and sun exposures cause fading.
My fragrant rose does not smell..
No rose smells 24 hours at the same intensity. Optimal weather conditions such as warm temperatures and high air humidity support the smelling. It may also happen that although the flower expels an intensive scent, in the very moment we sniff the rose we do not notice any smell. The sense of smell is very individual.
Why is my rose losing its leaves?
One can tell by the following symptoms by what kind of disease the rose is infected. Are there any star-shaped spots on the leaves? Then it could be Black Spot. If there is a whitish fur on the leaves it may be Mildew. The fungal pathogens enter the tissue and can damage the leaves so severely that they may fall off.
It is recommended to plant roses in a sunny and breezy place, helping the leaves to dry quickly after rainfalls. Roses should be watered directly at ground level. You can help keeping your roses healthy by feeding them properly, also with a dose of a brew made of stinging nettle or common horsetail once in a while.