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The cultivation of garden roses has been a matter close to our hearts for over 100 years. Back then as well as today, we grow and propagate our rose plants in Schleswig-Holstein.
Our assortment of garden roses includes a wide range of growth forms for all purposes.
We offer classics such as large-flowered, fragrant hybrid tea roses, romantic Nostalgia® roses, robust shrub roses, lush climbing roses and abundantly flowering bedding roses for gardens, containers and public green spaces.
We are also increasingly focusing our breeding efforts on varieties that can cope with the current climatic challenges and are good for the environment and insects.
Garden roses also for balconies and terraces!
Discover our large range! Roses enrich every planting area with their joy of blooming, splendor of color and abundance of flowers. The modern garden roses bloom more often and produce flowers even late in autumn. Our large selection of patio and miniature roses, the diligently blooming floribunda roses, elegant noble roses, lush shrub roses and romantic climbing roses will impress every rose lover!