Climbing Roses

ADR® climbing roses

ADR® climbing roses

The experts of the General German Rose Novelty Assessment examine rose novelties during a period of three years at eleven different sites throughout Germany.

Only if the rose meets the requirements of floriferousness, fragrance, appearance of the flower, habit, winter hardiness and an extraordinary resistance against diseases, the rose is granted the wanted ADR®-title.

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Die ökologisch wertvollen Bienenweiden Rosen blühen den ganzen Sommer und bieten reichlich Pollen für Bienen und Hummeln. Jetzt online kaufen bei einem der der größten Rosenzüchter Deutschlands ✓ Qualitätsrosen von dem Spezialisten für Rosen mit über 100 Jahren Erfahrung ✓Telefonische Beratung u.v.m.

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his fragrance pack promises and delivers a wonderful rose fragrance in the garden. Beguilingly beautiful and fragrant blooms in a wonderful colour combination. Buy online now at Rosen Tantau ✓ Quality roses from the rose specialist with over 100 years of experience ✓Advice by phone and much more.

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