Park and wild roses

Unbridled and wildly beautiful: wild roses give natural gardens a unique character. The wild roses in our range are also so-called park roses. Many varieties produce their pretty flowers only once a year and grow in beautiful bushes. But it's not just their external beauty that impresses them - they also impress with their wonderful scent and can be integrated into the garden in many ways. With a few exceptions most shrup roses flower only once. They should be spaced at 100 to 150 cm.
Which wild rose for the garden? Our diverse range
Rosa glauca, Rosa rubiginosa, Rosa canina: Even the botanical names of the individual wild rose varieties sound beautiful and suggest visually convincing plants: And indeed, wild roses have their very own, original charm. There are also big visual differences from variety to variety, so there is certainly a wild rose that is right for your property! Their appearance clearly distinguishes them from their cultivated relatives: their flowers consist of petals that open during flowering to form a kind of bowl - depending on the plant, sometimes pink, sometimes white, red or yellow. In our range you will find native wild roses or exotic varieties, as well as plants with rather simple flowers as well as wild rose varieties with very lush double flowers - for example Rosa rugosa Hansa. Unlike cultivated roses, which often have a very strong scent, wild roses usually smell more subtle.
What goes with wild roses? Integrate plants into the garden
Wild roses fit wonderfully into a more natural garden. Since they grow in bushes, they form wonderful hedges or other privacy screens. Wild roses are also often used as green walls or in beds. Bees in particular like to populate wild roses, so the plants are very suitable for building a nutrient plant for bees, bumblebees and other insects. And even after flowering, many wild roses are a wonderful visual enrichment: many varieties then bear rose hips and can be wonderfully presented as autumnal decorations on the property. Birds also love the berries and are happy to come and visit the garden.