Advice and Rose Care

How to increase the winter hardiness of your roses in summer

With the warm temperatures at the height of summer, are you thinking about wintertime? Certainly not. But from the middle of August you can already do something to increase the winter hardiness of your rose favorites. From now on you should stop fertilizing at the latest. The roses still have enough nutrients to form strong August shoots that extend far beyond the bush. These shoots should mature before the first frost, so that they do not fall victim to it.

From mid-August, give a final fertilization with granulated Kali-Magnesia (patent alkali). The high potassium content allows the shoots to mature and not only increases winter hardiness, but also increases resistance to rose diseases. Also, the rose grows more evenly, the leaf color healthier and the flower color more intense. Kali-magnesia can also be given once to all garden shrubs not only in August, but also in April because of its beneficial properties.

Fertilizer quantity for April fertilization: 30 g/m².

Amount of fertilizer for August fertilization: 40 g/m².

Important: After fertilizing the plant should always be thoroughly watered, potassium can act only when it reaches the roots of the roses.

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