Advice and Rose Care

Planting pot roses: Our expert tips

Containerrose im 6 l TopfWurzelnackte Rosen

Pot roses vs. bare-root: These are the differences

Roses for your own garden are available in different varieties - either as bare root, in a root ball or in a container. Container-grown roses are usually available in stores year-round. Since it has already grown in the pot, you can already assess the plant visually well and select accordingly. Since the rose was planted directly into the container and has not left it so far, you can also usually rule out injuries to the roots. And also if you are in a rush, you should plant container roses, because they grow and thrive as soon as they are in the ground. There are usually no problems with growth if they are planted correctly.

Planting container roses: Instructions

Good news for those in a rush: you can plant container roses whenever you like. Unlike planting bare-root roses, you don't need to wait until a certain time of year. However, weather without frost makes sense in any case. Important: Do not remove the roses from the pot until they are well rooted. This is usually the case from the end of May / beginning of June. You can recognize this well also by the fact that white roots come out of the pot at the bottom. In summer, especially hot days and the midday heat should be avoided.

Before planting container roses, water them thoroughly and let them drain well. Then carefully remove them from the pot - this is best done upside down.

Attention: please do not prune the roots!

  1. If necessary, treat the soil with compost (deposited for at least 2 years), rose soil or topsoil. Attention: Please do not fertilize at this stage!

  2. Dig the planting hole. Use the root system of the container rose as a guide for the appropriate size: with the grafting point, it should sit about 5 cm deep in the ground.

  3. You can lightly tamp down the soil around the plant. A small dam of soil will hold water to the plant.

  4. Water thoroughly and water regularly over the next few weeks. As with all roses, the same applies here: Please avoid waterlogging!

  5. About four weeks after planting, you can fertilize, but no longer than the end of July.

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