Advice and Rose Care

When roses don't thrive properly: Soil fatigue / post-planting disease

Often roses grow poorly on former rose sites. This regrowth depression occurs within the entire family of rose species (Rosaceae), e.g. also after planting on former apple, pear or raspberry sites. The reason is called soil fatigue or post-planting disease. New plantings grow poorly, sprout poorly and hardly form buds. The roots remain short and brush-like. The reason for this is a high density of nematodes in the soil.


To give your roses a good start, we recommend one of the following measures:

Plant the rose 50 cm away from the previous rose location.


Replace the soil at least 50-70 cm deep, working in plenty of deposited compost (at least 2 years old), rose soil or topsoil. Feel free to add a light organic fertilizer, such as dried cattle manure or horn shavings (250g/m²). 


Caution: Do not mix large amounts of tired soil with healthy soil, because in this way the problem can spread to other areas in the garden.

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