Hybrid tea roses

Classic Hybrid Tea roses

Classic Hybrid Tea roses

Hybrid Rea Roses are the queens of flowers. Their very large, full flowers are mainly carried singly on long stems, thus making them ideal for cutting and display in vases. Hybrid Tea roses’ elegant romantic flowers expel a gorgeous scent ranging from classic Tea Rose fragrance to sharp honey fragrance and the fleeting wild rose fragrance. They are displayed best in small borders or groups. Aesthetically we would recommend small groups of a least 3 planted in triangular form. Hybrid Tea roses are very demanding amongst garden roses and should be planted in a sunny spot with deep, well prepared soil. Regular watering and feeding are essential for producing healthy plants with plenty of flowers of these classic beauties. Hybrid Tea roses vary in height, usually 80-150 cm, and they should be spaced about 35-40 cm (6-8 plants per m2). Rapid re-growth, after dead-heading the first flush, is encouraged by a sunny position and feeding.

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