Miniature roses

Classic miniature roses

Classic miniature roses

They represent a range of compact miniature roses, reaching a height of generally 30-50 cm. They are ideal for rockeries, around patios or beds or on graves in cemeteries. Planting near large shrubs or trees should be avoided to ensure optimum conditions for the patio roses. Patio roses are also ideal for planting in containers and thus provide flexibility in use. Spacing should be around 30 cm (approx. 11 per qm). Different flower forms are also offered in this range, including classic and nostalgic forms and fragrance, such as ‘Heidi Klum®’. Patio Roses are also very attractive as standards planted in large containers or to give height to flower beds. Some of the older miniature roses should be planted in airy location with morning sun to ensure that there leaves dry quicker to minimise foliage diseases.

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