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Groundcover roses

Groundcover roses

Under groundcover roses one will find creeping, horizontal and prostrate growing habits, seldom higher than 80 cm. Varieties in this group are usually very healthy and they rapidly produce a floriferous thicket to suppress weeds. They are therefore easy to maintain. 

Groundcover Roses are produced both as plants budded on selected rootstocks as well as cuttings growing on their own roots. Budded plants are recommended for general garden use, whilst those on the own roots, marketed as Cityflor®-Roses, are mainly grown for amenity planting in communal gardens and around towns and cities.  Cityflor®-Roses are the result of innovative breeding and careful selection after many years of field trials in the rough climate of Schleswig-Holstein. Strict tests and monitoring throughout Europe guarantee that the high requirements demanded by Rosen Tantau regarding plant quality and appearance is maintained. Cityflor®-Roses are produced in 1.5 and 2.0 litre containers, using specially selected potting media (which also contain clay) to ensure a good take and survival. Plants are grown in the nursery for at least 1.5 years so that subsequent winter losses, often experienced with forced plants, are minimised.

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