
New ADR awards for Tantau varieties

This year we are very happy about the ADR award for the


Dornburger Schlossrose. This lush blooming hybrid tea rose already fascinated the judges in Baden-Baden and already earned the Gold Medal there. In addition to its elegant beauty and delicate fragrance, its healthy foliage will make it a gem in your garden.

The ADR® award really signifies a great achievement, as there are so far only a few hybrid teas that carry this award due to the high health requirements.




Already in 2019 we were pleased to receive the seal of approval. The climbing rose Divina® with the delicate charm of its double flowers and the captivating fragrance completely convinced the testing committee with its many positive characteristics.





Likewise, the Nostalgia® hybrid tea rose Maxim® with its unusual color scheme in pink with silver-white and its wonderful fragrance has already been awarded the prestigious seal of quality in 2019.          




...more about the ADR® examination? 

Each year, promising Tantau breedings are entered for ADR testing. Over a period of 3 years, up to 50 registered new varieties from a wide variety of rose breeders are evaluated in 12 test gardens located throughout Germany. In the process, they have to pass the critical eyes of the examiners 6 times a year.

The most important aspect is the resistance to foliar diseases such as powdery mildew and star rust, as no fungicides are used at the locations during the test period. Likewise, winter hardiness, flowering duration, flower color retention and weather resistance are assessed and evaluated according to a defined scoring scheme. In this way, the ADR® quality certificate enables end consumers and decision-makers for public green spaces to choose from healthy and attractive roses that require little maintenance. Currently, our Tantau rose assortment includes 21 varieties in the various rose groups of miniature and groundcover roses, bedding roses, hybrid tea roses, shrub roses and climbing roses.

You can find an overview of our- roses here!











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