Hybrid tea roses

Nostalgic Hybrid Tea roses

Nostalgic Hybrid Tea roses

Rosen Tantau has, for several years, been breeding and selecting their own group of roses, collectively known world wide as Nostalgic Roses®. After decades of rigorous testing in the rough Holstein climate we are able to offer you a very attractive range of very floriferous Nostalgic Roses®. These varieties are very healthy, vigorous, large flowered, fragrant and provide an outstanding display of glorious colours. During these years we have developed a small, but high quality assortment of charming varieties. The fragrance in the range of our Nostalgic roses is a special key point. Varieties with an exceptional, exciting fragrance are marked with a specific symbol.

Standards stems with Nostalgic Roses®, especially at 90cm, are execellent subject for displaying their fragrant flowers at nose height. Enjoy the charme and beauty of Nostalgic Roses® bred by Rosen Tantau!

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What are Nostalgie® roses?

We are really proud of this own creation: We have been breeding Nostalgie® hybrid tea roses since 1996. Since then, the breed has enjoyed great popularity - like all HT roses, it is visually extremely attractive. Nostalgie® roses not only have dark green, wonderfully shiny leaves, but also large, magnificently double flowers with a wonderful play of colors: many specimens have two-tone flowers as their trademark. The scent is also what sets Nostalgie® hybrid tea roses apart: many varieties have a wonderful scent, sometimes reminiscent of honey, sometimes more like ripe summer fruits. And the inner values are also right: Our Nostalgie® hybrid tea roses are extremely robust and resistant, especially against typical rose diseases such as sooty mold or powdery mildew. The rose usually survives fungal diseases well and regenerates independently. Even adverse weather conditions such as rain showers usually have little effect on the flowers; they usually recover very well. They are also considered to be very durable and fade rather slowly. In addition, the HT roses are considered hardy and not very sensitive to heat.

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